Mark Whealer

How I found surfing – I first went surfing on family holidays in cornwall from a very young age. But seriously took it up when I got a car and went to Bournemouth. There was only a little crew in them days from Salisbury and a few in the Bournemouth area.

What was surfing like back in the day? – It was ok to go in a group as there were hardly any surfers when you got to the spots. And often nobody just us and the waves . Also a lot of the spots hadn’t been surfed at all. We used to come from Salisbury to croyde to surf. In the end I hated going back so had to move here It was a tight knit close surfing community but I loved it.

What drives me – From day 1 I loved everything about surfing it’s always been a challenge and your always waiting for that perfect session,perfect day or your perfect wave. And those things stay the same for me the challenge stays the same the fitness is harder but it’s still or more enjoyable.

Mark Whealer