Shark Conservation

I’ve always been fascinated with the ocean despite growing up in the midlands.

I ended up studying Marine Geography at Cardiff University and spent a year living in Malta working for an NGO called Sharklab Malta. This ignited my passion for marine conservation, particularly sharks and rays. I studied them through daily snorkel surveys and observing catch at the fish market. The most rewarding thing I did was going to the fish market at 3am to collect live eggs from deceased sharks, then getting to watch them grow before releasing them back into the ocean.

I managed to complete over 40 scuba dives during my year in Malta and got my rescue diver qualification. I also did a lot of night diving which I was fascinated by as it allowed me to see the ocean in a way I’d never seen it before.

After university I came to Croyde for a season with the hope of learning to surf whilst saving up for more travelling. This is where I found UK Surfer. Ant helped me get to grips with the basics as I was learning to surf and then I couldn’t get enough of it. Everyone I met in Croyde came from such different backgrounds but had all ended up there through a love of surfing.

Next I’m travelling Southeast Asia where I’ll be surfing, diving and contributing more to shark conservation.

Rhiannon Plant

The 8 shark species said to be present around the Devon coastline are the Porbeagle Shark, Thresher Shark, Blue Shark, Tope Shark, Basking Shark, Spurdog Shark, Small-Spotted Catshark and Nursehound. For more information visit:

To get involved in the Shark Trust’s Great Eggcase Hunt and record your findings visit: